Sunday, September 30, 2007


Barack Obama’s rally in Washington Square Park Thursday attracted thousands of supporters. Hilary Rodham Clinton may represent the citizens of New York right now but many citizens are certainly interested in hearing what Obama has to say. Obama’s primary message was he would bring change to Washington if he were elected…yeah right.

Although his plans for Washington are excellent in theory, putting them into practice might take more effort than getting into the White House. Obama speech in NYC said that to cause actual, constructive change in Washington partisan politics need to stop and citizen’s voices need to be restored in the federal government.

I think it’s interesting that newspapers report on candidates’ wardrobe. In NYC, Obama chose to wear “dark blue slacks and a light-blue dress shirt with his trademark open collar and rolled-up sleeves,” according to Newsday. I understand that in days gone by readers would need to know what politicians were wearing by reading about it, but today it seems silly to write down a candidate’s outfit an inch away from a huge color photo or a video clip.

One detail I did appreciate, however, was that he walked in to Kanye West’s song “Touch the Sky.” Trying to appeal to the New York University students in the crowd, Barack? I think yes.

Obama’s speech focused on similar themes to other appearances he’s done around the country. 1. He tries to assure the audience that lack of “Washington experience” doesn’t mean that he’s unfit to serve as president. 2. That our nation needs to unite between different races, backgrounds and ideals. And 3. we need a new plan to deal with Iraq and other domestic issues like social security and health care reform.

I guess the part of this speech that particularly interested me was when he promised to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa, the conflict in Darfur, and prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. These issues really mean something to me. Hmm, funny that he would bring them up at a rally where there were primarily college students in the audience.

Okay, one last tidbit: by watching the video of his speech I’ve decided that he seems less stiff than Hilary. Sorry but it’s true. Hilary may need her hard-as-nails attitude to deal with the bigwigs in Washington but she doesn’t seem all that human to me. She’s kind of cold actually. (Though I could just be a sucker for Obama’s little girls who are a flash-back to a certain Kennedy clan from a few years ago.)

New York Times Video

New York Times Blog



Antonina Zielinska said...

I personally think that Obama is a fake who will say anything to win the vote- harsh yes- but that would explain him talking about darfur to a college audience. Although I do like Hillary better she is a tight barbie doll with not emotions- so your right about her being stiff and i think that it shows really poor journalism taste to report on what a candidate is wearing an inch away from his picture

The Brute said...

Obama entering to "Touch the Sky".. hmm I haven't really formed a complete opinion of Obama yet, however that little tidbit I don't like. Obama has to appeal to not just the demographic with the lowest voter turnout.. but I'm not sure when he will start focusing on other social groups.

Reporting on what Obama is wearing.. hmm well there is only so much you can report if you are dedicated to your objectivity. I think by printing that Obama wore etc etc etc unforunately does tell about his character, or atleast the character he wished to be perceived as.

Obama has a lot to prove before I can take him seriously.

LuAnn said...

Tracking a candidate's wardrobe is bad...tracking the candidate's youtube pseudo-fan based on her cup size is worse. Oh, Obama's people like you that make me want to throw myself off buildings.