Sunday, October 7, 2007

Iowa's the hotspot--IOWA, really?

First of all, I need to point out that I have a kind of bias against Iowa. As a Minnesota native I've grown up with Iowa as the brunt of many jokes. The state is considered by many of my fellow Minnesotans as the lame-o corn-infested land of blah-ness in the Midwest. Maybe it's because of these preconceived notions that I was so surprised that it's a virtual hot-spot for presidential candidate visits. Just check out this
NYT Map of Candidate Stops

However odd it may seem to me, Iowa holds significant importance in the 2008 election. The New York Times reports that the voters in the state hold the fate of potential Democratic nominees Barack Obama and Hilary Rodham Clinton in their hands.

The Iowa caucuses will open in three months and presidential visits are definitely going to continue. There is a sense of urgency for both Clinton, Obama and John Edwards who has contributed to the fight for popularity. Whoever loses Iowa will face an uphill battle in the race from that point forward, according to Edwards.

In a way I'm jealous of the attention Iowa is receiving. Minnesota has only been visited by candidates twice so far and both times the visit occurred in the metro area. In Iowa, however, the candidates are really getting out in the country to meet all types of voters. I live in a rural--quite possibly neglected--community in Minnesota so the chance that we'd ever receive this kind of attention is inconceivable.

Now don't tell anyone that I'm jealous of Iowa---I might be stoned.

NYT "Iowans Take Their Time in Open Race"


Briana_Kerensky said...

I can't tell you the last time I heard about a candidate visiting my home state of New Jersey...

Wait, yes I can. Bush came to talk in my town before the 04 elections. He gave a speech in the "Blue Barn," the local basketball recreation center.

My Republican friend and her little sister skipped class to stand in the front and hold up cardboard cut outs of Bush.

I skipped class to throw stuff. It was great.

Maybe that's why the candidates don't come to Jersey that often...they know I live there.

TaquitoWong said...

Wow. Iowa, Who'd have thunk it? That is really really strange. I wonder what the history is behind it. Maybe because it is located pretty much in the middle of the country and all the candidates don't want to seem like they favor one area or the other say they stay right in the middle. That would be ridiculous, but I 've heard of more ridiculous things from candidates.